keri warr

Notes: Running a Prediction Market Games Night

status: rough draft, unedited.

Prior Art


I like to think of this event as a nerdy twist on a standard trivia night. Participants “submit” their answers not by filling out an answer sheet, but by betting in a prediction market. This format admits for many interesting and fun categories of questions other than standard trivia:

One thing all these questions have in common is that the answer is knowable by the end of the event.

I think ~2 hours is about right for this event. ~15 minutes for learning how to use manifold markets and how the event will run. ~90 minutes for ~20 questions. ~15 mintues for resolving questions, discussion, etc.


First Mover Advantage

The first person to bet on a market has an opportunity to “correct” the market more than anyone who follows, and therefore, has an advantage. Possible approaches:


  1. Make a private group on
    • this will prevent automated market making bots from participating in you event!
  2. Create a group chat for the event. You will use this to share market links with participants
  3. Share an invite link to the manifold group in the group chat
  4. The manifold markets mobile app works better than desktop browser for this event - recommend participants to bring a phone and install the app
  5. When you create a manifold markets account you automatically get 500 Mana. This is the budget for the game. If someone already has an account, ask them to spend no more than M500 (tricky to do in practice). If they don’t have M500… send them some mana?
  6. Demonstrate how to use!
    • gotcha: if you buy and then immediately sell in a market, you actually lose a small amount of mana. I think this is a somewhat helpful intuition pump for understanding manifold.


Other fun question ideas



one could make running this event quite a bit less difficult with a bespoke web ui that hits the manifold api

questions, thoughts, etc. =>